The Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersky
(Pskov-Caves) monastery is located on the historically Russian land,
50 kilometers to the west of the city of Pskov, near the very border
of Estonia and 340 kilometers from St. Petersburg.
date of the monastery's foundation is considered to be August,
15/28,1473. It was on that day that the monastery's founder, St. Jonah
(Shesnik) consecrated the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy
Mother of God—a church which was built into the hillside. But the
monastic life had actually begun there much earlier, when a few
hermits, seeking solitude, came to live in the caves. The holy relics
of one of them, St. Mark the desert-dweller, still rest in the caves
and many people come to venerate them. The monastery's chronicle
relates that "the Most Pure Virgin herself chose this site in the
valley of the Kamenets spring, blessed it, exalted it through her
chosen people and has been protecting it ever since. Five centuries
have passed, and the monastery has seen both glory and tragedy, but
never have the holy lampadas gone out, nor prayer ceased in this
blessed place.
monastery gradually grew in size and reputation. The 16th century was
the time of its flourishing, when under Abbot Cornelius the
Annunciation and St. Nicholas Churches were erected as well as the
stone belfry and the monastery was fortified around by a stone wall
with bastions, and the brethren numbered up to 200. Abbot Cornelius
collected a rich library, established chronicling and founded an
icon-painting workshop. The monastery became an important missionary
center and stronghold of Orthodoxy on the western border of Russia.
Tradition has it that, slandered by envious people, Abbot Cornelius
was beheaded by Tsar Ivan the Terrible on the 20th of February, 1570
and now numbers among the hosts of holy martyrs.
the 16th and 17th centuries the monastery suffered from numerous
attacks by the "Latins"—Polish and Lithuanian troops, as well as by
the Swedish and German soldiers. The most serious attack was lead by
the Polish King Stephan Batory in the autumn of 1581.
1920 the town of Pechory, in accordance with the Tartu Agreement, was
given to Estonia, and the monastery found itself outside Russia. This
new situation did not affect the church services in the
monastery—they never ceased; however, the new authorities caused a lot
of problems and distress to the brethren.
the Second World War, in the 50s, the revitalization of the monastery
began, and Archimandrite Alipi (Voronov, +1975) contributed much to
it. It was under his abbacy that all the churches were repaired and
the stone wall and bastions were restored to their original
During those
years the spiritual life of the monastery also flourished. Under the
Holy Protection of the Most Pure Mother of God were gathered many
ascetics and elders. Through their prayerful pastoral labours lived
the great tradition of Orthodox asceticism and eldership. This
tradition is still carried on in the monastery by Archimandrite Adrian
there are ten churches in the monastery. It is in the oldest
gold-domed Dormition church that one can see and venerate the
miracle-working icon of the Dormition of the Most Pure Mother of God
and the relics of the Holy Martyr Cornelius. Currently the monastic
community numbers over 90. The brethren celebrate daily morning and
evening services, perform perpetual psalter reading and spiritually
guide a large number of people seeking their wise spiritual counsel.
The monks also labour in the monastery fields and stable. There are
an icon-painting and an icon-restoration workshops and a Sunday
school. The monks run a House of Mercy which comprises a Pilgrim's
house and a hospice for aged monastery workers. The monastery is also
renowned for its children's choir.
2013 the monastery marked the 540th anniversary of its existence and
salvific work in the Orthodox Church. The years pass, governments and
empires rise and fall, but the monastery ever remains a firm
stronghold of Orthodoxy in a restless world.
From the Pskov-Caves Monastery website
The icon of the Saints of the Pskov-Caves Monastery depicts the
founders and early saints of the Monastery (left to right): Jonah,
Vassa (St. Jonah's wife before they both became monastics. Vassa lived
outside the Monastery walls, and aided the brethren by gathering
berries and mushrooms), Lazar the Clairvoyant, Cornelius, Dorotheos,
Mark, and Vassian.
St. Simeon
in more recent times are St. Simeon (1869-1960, canonized in
2003), and Holy Hieromartyr Alexander (Petrovksy, 1851-1940), who
died in prison after being sentenced by the Communists for his
Although not yet canonized, there are a number of
contemporary ascetical fathers of the Pskov-Caves Monastery, who are
especially revered by the brethren and faithful. These include:
—Metropolitan Benjamin (Fedchenkov, 1880-1961), who represented the
Moscow Patriarch in both France and America, but ended his days as a
brother of the Pskov-Caves Monastery.
Hieroschemamonk Michael (Pitkevich).

—Archimandrite Ieronim (Tikhomirov) 1905-1979.
—Schemamonk Savva (Ostapenko) 1898-1980.
—Archimandrite Seraphim (Rosenberg) 1909-1994).
—Archimandrite John (Krestiankin) 1910-2006.
Hieroschemamonk Michael (Pitkevich).
Also numbered among the ascetics of piety of the Pskov-Caves
Monastery is Righteous Matthew of Isborsk. Isborsk is an ancient town
not far from Pechory, with its later settlement, Maly, located nearby.
Righteous Matthew was bed-ridden for forty-five years, and reposed in
1905, after bringing much spiritual help to those who came to him.
The Pskov-Caves Monastery remains an important place of pilgrimage
for the Orthodox faithful in Russia and the world over. Thousands have
found there healing and transformation, good counsel and support,
through the prayers of its saints and holy elders.
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