I’d wish that everyone had what I’m gradually beginning to acquire, the ability to read a book easily and quickly and to retain a strong impression of it. Reading books is like looking at paintings: without doubting, without hesitating, with self-assurance, one must find beautiful that which is beautiful.
Sometimes I
very much regret not knowing a great deal more about history, for example,
especially modern history. Well, one won’t get any further by being sorry and
having these sad thoughts; what one must try and do is simply struggle on.
Uneori regret
mult că nu ştiu mai multe lucruri despre istorie, de pildă despre istoria
modernă. Dar nu ajungi prea departe având regrete şi aceste gânduri triste;
ceea ce trebuie să încerci este, pur şi simplu, să lupţi în continuare.
Letter to Theo, 5 August 1881
To Theo van Gogh. Etten, Friday, 5 August 1881.
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