sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2019

The Human Condition

“Within everything worldly, there is something of the heavenly; in everything natural, there is the supernatural. In a grain of wheat, there is a part of heaven, because, for it to be born, it has already absorbed the light, the heat and the winds of the heavens. There is something of the stars in every form of plant life, minerals, every living organism, and, particularly, in every human being. Everything in this earthly world is closely linked to the heavenly world. The conduit from the natural to the supernatural and vice versa is both mystical and impenetrable, and therefore cannot be subjected to any evaluation by human investigative initiatives. Through the invisible protons and photons, the supernatural mysteriously permeates the natural, the invisible pervades the visible. And, through the mystical photons of the soul, the luminous energies of the Divine Word infuse our human existence. So there are no sealed borders between the supernatural and the natural, between the visible and the invisible. In everything earthly, there is a great deal of the heavenly. “  
“In toate cele pământeşti este ceva ceresc; în toate cele naturale este ceva supranatural. Intr-un bob de grâu este ceva ceresc pentru că la naşterea lui  au luat parte lumina absorbită, căldura şi vântul din cer. Este o fărâmă de stea în orice formă de viaţă, vegetală sau minerală, în fiecare organism viu şi în special, iîn fiecare fiinţă umană. Totul în lumea pământească este strâns legat de lumea cerească. Trecerea de la natural la supranatural şi invers este în acelaşi timp mistică şi impenetrabilă, deci nu poate fi supusă evaluării prin nicio investigaţie omenească. Prin protonii şi fotonii invizibili, supranaturalul pătrunde in mod misterios naturalul, invizibilul invadează vizibilul. Iar prin fotonii mistici ai sufletului, energiile luminoase ale Cuvântului Divin pătrund existenţa noastră omenească. Deci nu există graniţe de netrecut între supranatural şi natural,  îintre  vizibil şi invizibil. In tot ce-i pământesc se află mult ceresc.”
Sfântul Justin Popovici


The Holy Martyr Nicephorus - Pomenirea sfântului mucenic Nichifor

The Holy Martyr Nicephorus lived in the city of Syrian Antioch. In this city lived also the presbyter Sapricius, with whom Nicephorus was very friendly, so that they were considered as brothers. They quarreled because of some disagreement, and their former love changed into enmity and hate.
After a certain time Nicephorus came to his senses, repented of his sin and more than once asked Sapricius, through mutual friends, to forgive him. Sapricius, however, did not wish to forgive him. Nicephorus then went to his former friend and fervently asked forgiveness, but Sapricius was adamant.
At this time the emperors Valerian (253-259) and Gallius (260-268) began to persecute Christians, and one of the first brought before the court was the priest Sapricius. He firmly confessed himself a Christian, underwent tortures for his faith and was condemned to death by beheading with a sword. As they led Sapricius to execution, Nicephorus tearfully implored his forgiveness saying, “O martyr of Christ, forgive me if I have sinned against you in any way.”
The priest Sapricius remained stubborn, and even as he approached death he refused to forgive his fellow Christian. Seeing the hardness of his heart, the Lord withdrew His blessing from Sapricius, and would not let him receive the crown of martyrdom. At the last moment, he suddenly became afraid of death and agreed to offer sacrifice to idols. In vain did Saint Nicephorus urge Sapricius not to lose his reward through apostasy, since he already stood on the threshold of the heavenly Kingdom.
Saint Nicephorus then said to the executioner, “I am a Christian, and I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Execute me in place of Sapricius.” The executioners reported this to the governor. He decided to free Sapricius, and to behead Nicephorus in his place. Thus did Saint Nicephorus inherit the Kingdom and receive a martyr’s crown.

În această lună, ziua a noua, pomenirea sfântului mucenic Nichifor.
Sfântul Nichifor a trăit pe vremea împăraţilor Valerian şi Galin, şi era om de jos. El avea ca prieten pe un preot al Bisericii creştine, cu numele de Sapriciu, care din îndemn diavolesc, s-a pornit cu ură asupra sfântului Nichifor şi-i purta pizmă. Însă când Sapriciu a fost prins de slujitorii idolilor şi supus la multe chinuri, sfântul Nichifor a trimis la el mijlocitori, cerându-i iertare, dar acesta nu a voit să audă de rugăciunile lui. Dar când sfântul Nichifor a văzut că duc pe Sapriciu să-i taie capul, a alergat şi a căzut la picioarele lui, cerându-i iertare. Şi, aducându-i aminte de poruncile lui Hristos privitoare la dragostea creştină, Sapriciu nu l-a ascultat. Şi, trecând prin multe chinuri şi apropiindu-se de cunună şi de răsplată, ca unul care urma să fie junghiat pentru Hristos, Sapriciu n-a primit să-i dea sfântului Nichifor iertare şi dezbrăcat fiind de ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, a zis călăilor: lăsaţi-mă, că voi aduce jertfă idolilor. Atunci sfântul Nichifor, văzând aceasta s-a dat pe sine călăilor, şi mărturisind pe faţă pe Hristos, i s-a tăiat capul din porunca tiranului, luând îndată răsplata dragostei pe care se nevoia să o plinească pentru Dătătorul dragostei, Hristos.http://www.noutati-ortodoxe.ro/calendar-ortodox/sinaxar.php?date=1549670400

vineri, 8 februarie 2019

Saint Sava II

Saint Sava II (Serbian: Свети Сава II / Sveti Sava II; 1201–1271) was the third Archbishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, serving from 1263 until his death in 1271. He was the middle son of King Stefan the First-Crowned of the Nemanjić dynasty and his Byzantine wife Eudokia Angelina. He had two brothers, Stefan Radoslav and Stefan Vladislav, and a sister, Komnena. Predislav took the monastic name of Sava, after his uncle, Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop. The Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates him as a saint and his feast-day is 21 February.
Born as Predislav (Serbian Cyrillic: Предислав) in c. 1198, he was the middle son of King Stefan the First-Crowned and Eudokia Angelina. He had brothers Stefan Radoslav (b. 1192), Stefan Vladislav (b. 1198), and half-brother Stefan Uroš I (b. 1223). He also had two sisters, Komnena being the only one whose name is known.
King Stefan the First-Crowned, who had become ill, took monastic vows and died in 1227.[1] Radoslav who was the eldest son succeeded as King, crowned at Žiča by Archbishop Sava,[1] his uncle. The younger sons, Vladislav and Uroš I, received appanages.[1] Sava II (Predislav) was appointed bishop of Hum shortly thereafter, later serving as Archbishop of Serbia (1263-1270).[1] The Church and state was thus dominated by the same family and the ties between the two as well as the family's role within the Church continued.[2]


Sfântul Sava II(ca. 1200 – 1271) a fost al treilea arhiepiscop al Bisericii Ortodoxe Sârbe, din 1263 până la trecerea lui la Domnul. Botezat cu numele Predislav, el a fost fiul mijlociu al Regelui Ştefan, întâiul încoronat din dinastia Nemanjić, şi al soţiei sale din Bizanţ, Eudokia Angelina. A avut doi fraţi, Stefan Radoslav şi Stefan Vladislav, şi două surori, Komnena fiind singura căreia i se cunoaşte numele. Predislav a îmbrăcat haina monahală cu numele Sava, după unchiul său, Sfântul Sava, îintâiul arhiepiscop sârb.

Regele Ştefan, întâiul incoronat, s-a îmbolnăvit, drept urmare călugărindu-se şi murind in 1227. Radoslav, fiul mai mare, a fost încoronat rege. Fiii mai mici,  Vladislav şi Uroš I, au primit titluri. Sava II(Predislav) a fost numit episcop de Hum, astfel legăturile dintre stat şi biserică menţinându-se bune.


joi, 7 februarie 2019

Venerable Luke of Hellas

 St Luke the Younger (896-953 AD). Mosaic from the Monastery of Hosios Loukas.

Saint Luke of Hellas was a native of the Greek village of Kastorion. The son of poor farmers, the saint from childhood had toiled much, working in the fields and shepherding the sheep. He was very obedient to his parents and very temperate in eating. He often gave his own food and clothing to the poor, for which he suffered reproach from his parents. He once gave away almost all the seed which was needed for planting in the fields. The Lord rewarded him for his charity, and the harvest gathered was greater than ever before.
As a child, he prayed fervently and often. His mother saw him more than once standing not on the ground, but in the air while he prayed.
After the death of his father, he left his mother and went to Athens, where he entered a monastery. But through the prayers of his mother, who was very concerned about him, the Lord returned him to his parental home in a miraculous manner. He spent four months there, then with his mother’s blessing he went to a solitary place on a mountain called Ioannou (or Ioannitsa). Here there was a church dedicated to the holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, where he lived an ascetical life in constant prayer and fasting. He was tonsured there by some Elders who were on pilgrimage. After this, Saint Luke redoubled his ascetic efforts, for which the Lord granted him the gift of foresight.
After a seven years on Ioannou, the saint moved to Corinth because of an invasion of the Bulgarian armies. Hearing about the exploits of a certain stylite at Patras, he went to see him, and remained for ten years to serve the ascetic with humility and obedience. Afterwards, the saint returned again to his native land and again began to pursue asceticism on Mount Ioannou.
The throngs of people flocking there disturbed his quietude, so with the blessing of his Elder Theophylactus, Saint Luke went with his disciple to a still more remote place at Kalamion. After three years, he settled on the desolate and arid island of Ampelon because of an invasion of the Turks. Steiris was another place of his ascetic efforts. Here brethren gathered to the monk, and a small monastery grew up, the church of which was dedicated to the Great Martyr Barbara. Dwelling in the monastery, the saint performed many miracles, healing sicknesses of soul and of body.
Foreseeing his end, the saint confined himself in a cell and for three months prepared for his departure. When asked where he was to be buried, the monk replied, “Throw my body into a ravine to be eaten by wild beasts.” When the brethren begged him to change these instructions, he commanded them to bury his body on the spot where he lay. Raising his eyes to heaven, he said, “Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit!”
Saint Luke fell asleep in the Lord on February 7, 946. Later, a church was built over his tomb. Myrrh flowed from his holy relics, and many healings occurred.

St. Parthenius the Bishop of Lampsacus on the Hellespont

Saint Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus, was a native of the city of Melitoupolis (in northwestern Asia Minor), where his father Christopher served as deacon. The youth did not receive adequate schooling, but he learned the Holy Scripture by attending church services. He had a good heart, and distributed to the poor the money he earned working as a fisherman.
Filled with the grace of God, Saint Parthenius from age eighteen healed the sick in the name of Christ, cast out demons and worked other miracles. Learning of the young man’s virtuous life, Bishop Philetus of Melitoupolis educated him and ordained him presbyter.
In 325, during the reign of Constantine the Great, Archbishop Achilles of Cyzicus made him bishop of the city of Lampsacus (Asia Minor). In the city were many pagans, and the saint fervently began to spread the faith in Christ, confirming it through many miracles and by healing the sick.
The people began to turn from their pagan beliefs, and the saint went to the emperor Constantine the Great seeking permission to tear down the pagan temple and build a Christian church in its place. The emperor received the saint with honor, gave him a decree authorizing the destruction of the pagan temple, and provided him with the means to build a church. Returning to Lampsacus, Saint Parthenius had the pagan temple torn down, and built a beautiful church of God in the city.
In one of the razed temples, he found a large marble slab which he thought would be very suitable as an altar. The saint ordered work to begin on the stone, and to move it to the church. Through the malice of the devil, who became enraged at the removal of the stone from the pagan temple, the cart overturned and killed the driver Eutychian. Saint Parthenius restored him to life by his prayer and shamed the devil, who wanted to frustrate the work of God.

miercuri, 6 februarie 2019

Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople - Sfântul Fotie, Patriarhul Constantinopolului

Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, “the Church’s far-gleaming beacon,” lived during the ninth century, and came from a family of zealous Christians. His father Sergius died as a martyr in defense of holy icons. Saint Photius received an excellent education and, since his family was related to the imperial house, he occupied the position of first state secretary in the Senate. His contemporaries said of him: “He so distinguished himself with knowledge in almost all the secular sciences, that it rightfully might be possible to take into account the glory of his age and compare it with the ancients.”
Michael, the young successor to the throne, and Saint Cyril, the future Enlightener of the Slavs, were taught by him. His deep Christian piety protected Saint Photius from being seduced by the charms of court life. With all his soul, he yearned for monasticism.
In 857 Bardas, who ruled with Emperor Michael, deposed Patriarch Ignatius (October 23) from the See of Constantinople. The bishops, knowing the piety and extensive knowledge of Photius, informed the emperor that he was a man worthy to occupy the archpastoral throne. Saint Photius accepted the proposal with humility. He passed through all the clerical ranks in six days. On the day of the Nativity of Christ, he was consecrated bishop and elevated to the patriarchal throne.
Soon, however, discord arose within the Church, stirred up by the removal of Patriarch Ignatius from office. The Synod of 861 was called to end the unrest, at which the deposition of Ignatius and the installation of Photius as patriarch were confirmed.
Pope Nicholas I, whose envoys were present at this council, hoped that by recognizing Photius as patriarch he could subordinate him to his power. When the new patriarch proved unsubmissive, Nicholas anathematized Photius at a Roman council.
Sfântul Fotie, Patriarhul Constantinopolului, "farul departe luminător al Bisericii", a trăit în secolul IX, într-o familie de creştini zeloşi. Tatăl său, Serghie, a murit ca martir apărând sfintele icoane. Sf. Fotie a primit o educaţie excelentă şi, datorită faptului că familia lui aparţinea casei imperiale, el a ocupat funcţia de prim secretar de stat în Senat.
Contemporanii săi spuneau despre el: "Avea cunoştinţe remarcabile în aproape toate ştiinţele vechi, încât, pe bună dreptate ai putea compara gloria vremurilor sale cu cea a anticilor."

Mihail, tânărul succesor la tron, împreună cu Sf. Chiril, viitorul iluminător al slavilor, au fost instruiţi de el. Credinţa lui creştină puternic înrădăcinată l-a ferit pe Sf. Fotie de seducţia şarmului vieţii de la palat, tânjind cu tot sufletul său după viaţa de călugărie. 

În 857 Bardas, care a condus împreună cu Împăratul Mihail, l-au deposedat pe Patriarhul Ignatie (la 23 octombrie) de Scaunul din Constantinopol. Episcopii, cunoscând credinţa şi vastele cunoştinţe ale lui Fotie, i-au spus împăratului că el ar fi vrednic să ocupe tronul arhipastoral. Sf. Fotie a acceptat propunerea cu smerenie şi a trecut prin toate rangurile clericale în 6 zile. În ziua Naşterii Domnului a fost sfinţit episcop şi ridicat la tronul patriarhal. În scurt timp însă au apărut tulburări în cadrul Bisericii datorita înlăturării Patriarhului Ignatie. Pentru a calma spiritele a fost convocat Sinodul din 861, în care s-a retras Ignatie şi a fost instalat Fotie ca Patriarh.

Papa Nicolae I, care-şi trimisese acoliţii la sinod, a crezut că prin recunoaşterea lui Fotie ca patriarh, îl va putea subordona lui. Dar când noul patriarh s-a dovedit nesupus, Nicolae l-a anatemizat pe Fotie într-un sinod roman.

Sf. Fotie a fost un luptător ferm împotriva intrigilor papale şi ale schimbărilor din cadrul Bisericii de Răsărit, până la sfârşitul vieţii sale. În 864, Bulgaria s-a convertit de bună voie la creştinism. Prinţul bulgar Boris a fost botezat de însuşi Sf. Fotie. Mai târziu, sfântul a trimis preoţi şi un arhiepiscop pentru a boteza poporul bulgar. În 865, Sfinţii Chiril şi Metodie au fost trimişi să propovăduiască pe Hristos în limba slavonă. Cu toate acestea, partizanii papei i-au incitat pe bulgari împotriva misionarilor ortodocşi.
