sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2019

The Holy Martyr Nicephorus - Pomenirea sfântului mucenic Nichifor

The Holy Martyr Nicephorus lived in the city of Syrian Antioch. In this city lived also the presbyter Sapricius, with whom Nicephorus was very friendly, so that they were considered as brothers. They quarreled because of some disagreement, and their former love changed into enmity and hate.
After a certain time Nicephorus came to his senses, repented of his sin and more than once asked Sapricius, through mutual friends, to forgive him. Sapricius, however, did not wish to forgive him. Nicephorus then went to his former friend and fervently asked forgiveness, but Sapricius was adamant.
At this time the emperors Valerian (253-259) and Gallius (260-268) began to persecute Christians, and one of the first brought before the court was the priest Sapricius. He firmly confessed himself a Christian, underwent tortures for his faith and was condemned to death by beheading with a sword. As they led Sapricius to execution, Nicephorus tearfully implored his forgiveness saying, “O martyr of Christ, forgive me if I have sinned against you in any way.”
The priest Sapricius remained stubborn, and even as he approached death he refused to forgive his fellow Christian. Seeing the hardness of his heart, the Lord withdrew His blessing from Sapricius, and would not let him receive the crown of martyrdom. At the last moment, he suddenly became afraid of death and agreed to offer sacrifice to idols. In vain did Saint Nicephorus urge Sapricius not to lose his reward through apostasy, since he already stood on the threshold of the heavenly Kingdom.
Saint Nicephorus then said to the executioner, “I am a Christian, and I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Execute me in place of Sapricius.” The executioners reported this to the governor. He decided to free Sapricius, and to behead Nicephorus in his place. Thus did Saint Nicephorus inherit the Kingdom and receive a martyr’s crown.

În această lună, ziua a noua, pomenirea sfântului mucenic Nichifor.
Sfântul Nichifor a trăit pe vremea împăraţilor Valerian şi Galin, şi era om de jos. El avea ca prieten pe un preot al Bisericii creştine, cu numele de Sapriciu, care din îndemn diavolesc, s-a pornit cu ură asupra sfântului Nichifor şi-i purta pizmă. Însă când Sapriciu a fost prins de slujitorii idolilor şi supus la multe chinuri, sfântul Nichifor a trimis la el mijlocitori, cerându-i iertare, dar acesta nu a voit să audă de rugăciunile lui. Dar când sfântul Nichifor a văzut că duc pe Sapriciu să-i taie capul, a alergat şi a căzut la picioarele lui, cerându-i iertare. Şi, aducându-i aminte de poruncile lui Hristos privitoare la dragostea creştină, Sapriciu nu l-a ascultat. Şi, trecând prin multe chinuri şi apropiindu-se de cunună şi de răsplată, ca unul care urma să fie junghiat pentru Hristos, Sapriciu n-a primit să-i dea sfântului Nichifor iertare şi dezbrăcat fiind de ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, a zis călăilor: lăsaţi-mă, că voi aduce jertfă idolilor. Atunci sfântul Nichifor, văzând aceasta s-a dat pe sine călăilor, şi mărturisind pe faţă pe Hristos, i s-a tăiat capul din porunca tiranului, luând îndată răsplata dragostei pe care se nevoia să o plinească pentru Dătătorul dragostei, Hristos.http://www.noutati-ortodoxe.ro/calendar-ortodox/sinaxar.php?date=1549670400

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